The Brown Bag Deli Case Study

It’s really easy to peruse some nice website gallery, and point to a nice looking site and say “YES!” that is exactly what I want.

Todd Santoro was a guest on Inside Mac Radio

A few days ago Todd Santoro was a guest on Inside Mac Radio!  Scott Sheppard was a great host and really easy to talk to about iPhone / iPod Touch games and apps that he helped create.  Todd is a member of Accelerator Labs who develops iPhone and iPod apps. You can read and listen to the post on  … Continued

QR Code text

I have been playing around with QR Codes today and thought I would write a whole blog post about them. I have a ton of ideas on how to use QR Codes in marketing so I will share a few of them here. 1. Use them in print ads to distribute coupons. 2. Use them in an interactive marketing campaign/scavenger … Continued