3 tools of the trade

This post is not about geeks, nerds or what ever else you might call a tool. It’s about my favorite design tools I use on a daily basis.

1. The first is called Concept Share and it helps me communicate design proofs with my clients.  It also saves me a ton of time. For a small fee per month you can collaborate with your clients in a visual way so they get exactly what they want and you don’t waste any of that precious time we designers need more of.

2. Fresh Books is a god send. Since I started using Fresh Books I get paid faster and my accountant loves me even more than before. There are plenty of free or open source invoicing applications out there but you get what you pay for.  Plus if something happens you can always bang on their door and get satisfaction.

3. Delicious is a bookmarking service that keeps all of my “continuing education” links in one place.  The search feature and the ability to keep links private save me more time and sanity that any other tool.  How many times have you bookmarked a tutorial only to be unable find it when you need it. I rest my case.

These three tools are something that every designer should have in her/his arsenal.  What tools are you using?